Jurnal Syntax Transformation

Vol. 3 No. 5, Mei 2022

p-ISSN : 2721-3854 e-ISSN : 2721-2769

Sosial Sains




Kurnia Arumdani, Madziatul Churiyah

Master of Management, State University of Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Email: kurnia.arumdani2104138 @students.um.ac.id, madziatul.churiyah.fe@um.ac.id





18 April 2022


20 April 2022


13 Mei 2022

The level of welfare, work stress and work-life balance and employee psychology need to be considered for each individual. Individual welfare is expected to be an alternative for employees who have burdens both internally and externally. The application of workplace well being in the organization will be optimal for employee performance. The purpose of this study is to provide an extensive bibliometric literature study on workplace well-being. Articles quoted from the Scopus database, from 416 articles found from 2017 to 2021, there were 175 articles analyzed in the study. After managing the database, the researchers performed classification and visualization using VOSviewer software to be able to analyze co-authorship, co-occurrence, and citations. Overall, this literature study provides more references for further research on job stress, job life balance and workplace wellbeing at the level of education and seminars.


Bibliometric Analysis;

Job Stress; Work Life Balance;

WorkPlace Wellbeing;


Work stress is one of the internal factors needed for the progress of the organization so that it can produce maximum performance to achieve the goals of an organization. Organizations have a responsibility to pay special attention to employee work stress because work stress will result in a fatal decrease in the quality of employee work. In addition, work stress will also result in the pleasure or displeasure of employees to work individually or with co-workers. In addition to work stress, work life balance and workplace well-being also have a similar impact on employees because they will have an impact on the goals of an organization.

The emergence of the phenomenon of work stress on employees can be caused by a lack of welfare in the workplace, because work welfare can have an emotional impact, both positive and negative. Welfare in the work environment can develop the potential of employees optimally (Luthans, 2011). Work stress as an adaptive response when a person is in external conditions that can result in physical, psychological, or behavioral deviations in others. In a company, both small and large, there are problems in it, (Stanhope & Weinstein, 2021) suggest that stress is an imbalance between demands and a person's ability to fulfill them.

Work-life imbalances lead to higher stress increases so that this can have an impact on increasing employee intentions to leave the workplace (Jaharuddin & Zainol, 2019). Saturation that occurs in the workplace will result in less than optimal performance, then employees will feel tired, sensitive and frustrated with the burden they carry (Liu et al., 2019).

As a result of the increasing need for employee work-life balance initiatives, work-life balance and work-life conflict have been increasingly studied in the last two decades. Work life balance according to (Fisher et al., 2009) is a behavior that is carried out by individuals to be able to balance the two roles at once undertaken by the individual. Work life balance usually occurs in situations where conflicts experienced by individuals and responsibilities in work and family can run well.

Job stress and work life balance have been associated with adverse effects on employee psychological well-being (Payne & Kinman, 2019). Work balance in question is work and family responsibilities (Parkers & Langford, 2008) For superiors the work life balance given to employees is the most important strategy in improving the organization. Work life balance is an alternative to reduce conflicts or dual roles that occur in the lives of individuals who are less balanced. Because work life balance is a life balance between work responsibilities (Hudson et al., 2021). Level of satisfaction related to balance or by retaining employees who are involved in internal or external conflicts.

Providing positive feedback, organizational support, and support provided by superiors can lead to positive feelings for employees. Freedom to contribute to a decision is an important part of the existence of employees in the organization. Because of the welfare that the organization provides to employees both at work and in the workplace, welfare is a tangible form that the organization is also concerned with the mental health of employees (Dort et al., 2020).

 Welfare does not only depend on material things, but employee welfare is able to combine various aspects, namely: personal, public and cost aspects. If the welfare of the organization is only based on material things, it will only focus on material, benefits, then only physical and mental aspects will be seen (Budd & Spencer, 2015).

Therefore, employees need welfare fulfillment for employees who experience a balanced life both in family life and in the company, with the presence of organizational welfare it will overcome and include optimism, a meaningful life, perceived prosperity (Dodge et al., 2012). It is clear that the welfare that organizations provide to employees will manifest at the level of human functioning, starting from meeting basic needs and providing security for workers (Hoffmeister et al., 2015).

It can be concluded that the provision of an unbalanced workload will affect the decline in an individual's performance, it is not only influenced by individual internal factors but is also influenced by external factors. The balance between personal life and life in the organization, the balance between personal life to carry out its role as a human being who has a dual role, namely family and time in the company (family, friends and culture). If the individual achieves a balance in carrying out his role in each part in accordance with the proportions and can provide good professional performance, the individual can be said to have a work life balance. This is also supported by the welfare provided by the organization to employees through benefits, promotions, and good service facilities. A conducive work environment will affect optimal performance.

This study aims to provide an overview of the topics reviewed, namely the application of job stress, work life balance, and workplace wellbeing. By using bibliometric techniques. Its specific purpose is to identify the following questions:

1.       RQ1. Does work balance affect work stress?

2.       RQ2. What are the popular keywords related to this research topic and have they evolved/changed over the last five years?

3.       RQ3. Which researcher has published the most scientific articles on the topic? What affiliation and country are they from?

4.       RQ4. Which top publications contributed to this research topic?

The results of this study are important for academics, researchers and professionals in the field of management science, especially at the level of employees who have multiple roles. This is so that they can make the right decisions for the use of work life balance. Researchers can find a basis for reference in further research. In order to achieve this research, you can use analysis using bibliometric analysis with the help of wateriewer software to present visualization of the results of data analysis from related articles found in the literature process (Eck & Waltman, 2014).



In the literature review that resulted from this study, work balance has an influence on one's work stress, this is in accordance with what was stated by Edwards and Cooper (2013) that the person environment fit theory approach has direct implications for one's work stress. The occurrence of work stress is caused by individual behavior in balancing it with life and work.

The factors that influence work-life balance and stress management are welfare in the workplace. The theory used is work-life balance (Jaharuddin & Zainol, 2019) life balance can be stated that a person can spend time working compared to spending time with family (Albert-moran et al., 2020) argues that work life balance fulfills the three stages. namely: work, family, and individual. Work has demands for working time, working optimally in accordance with the time and responsibilities that the organization has given to employees. Giving work vacations will trigger a person to reduce the intensity of time in his family, while high work intensity will result in a person's pressure and will result in fatigue, anxiety and consequences for the quality of life in organizational and family aspects.

Studies in the bibliometric literature use the methods described in bibliometrics. Then the focus of the research can be presented with various kinds of knowledge that have been described by the article referred to by the researcher. In this study, a five-step method was used which the researchers adopted from the findings (Payne & Kinman, 2019), as shown in Figure 1 below.


Figure 1

Five Stages of Bibliometric Literature Study Method



1.    Determine Search Keywords

The keywords that the researcher used in compiling the articles were “job stress” OR “work life balance” OR “workplace wellbeing”. The search was conducted in December 2021 on the Scopus database which is a credible and high-quality reference source in the research topic area (Baas et al., 2020).

2.    Initial Search Results

The results of this study were obtained from the CSV format to include various kinds of related information in the article as stated in the title, authorship, affiliation, abstract, keywords and references that have been stated in the suitability of the article related to the title above. The search for articles that the researcher did specifically for "journal" and "proceedings", only "title words" and the year "2017-2021". A total of 400 articles were found in the initial search.

3.    Refinement of Search Results

Articles that match the Scopus database can be filtered so that they can be selected according to the journal theme that fits the discussion. Then for maximum results, it can also be done through an excel database that is saved in a CSV file for further analysis in detail.

4.    Compile Preliminary Data Statistics

The next retrieved data will be saved in CSV format. In the first stage, the contents of the journal articles and the completeness of the proceedings (volume, year of publication, number, pages, etc.) were reviewed and the researcher added the required information if there were incomplete data. The data analyzed aims to classify the year, source of publication and publisher.

5.    Data Analysis

The purpose of the literature study is to analyze and visualize the bibliometric network using VOS viewer software. VOSViewer is used because of its efficient work with large data sets and is able to provide a variety of relevant visuals, analysis, and investigations (Eck & Waltman, 2014). VOSViewer is also capable of creating publication maps, author maps, journal maps based on shared networks (Briguglio et al., 2021). 


Results And Discussion

The study was conducted with the aim of analyzing various literature sources with the keywords "job stress" OR "work life balance" OR "workplace wellbeing". English. There are three aspects in the analysis, namely: co-authorship, co-occurrence, and citation. By using bibliometric analysis of literature studies using the VOSviewer software, results can be obtained with the following points. In each presentation metadata co-authorship, co-occurrence, and citation, the researcher uses a minimum limit of 1, because the literature source has minimal data on the research area of job stress, job balance and workplace wellbeing variables. For the use of VOSviewer software assistance with the aim of mapping classification and visualization on the data that has been found (Eck & Waltman, 2014).

a.    Co-Authorship


Figure 2

Network Visualization of Co-Authorship Metadata (Author Name)


Based on Figure 2, it is known that there are four authors with research topics analyzed. Each author has continuity in his research, meaning that each author has continuity between each other in exploring the topic of job stress, work life balance and workplace wellbeing.



Figure 3

Network Visualization of Co-Authorship Metadata (Author Country)


Based on Figure 3, referring to the image above, it can be seen that the most dominant names are United Kingdom, United States, and Australia. It can be seen that the majority of writers with the themes of job stress, work life balance and workplace wellbeing are United Kingdom, followed by other Asian countries. in accordance with the level of education that is currently interested in new trends, especially in the transition era from the COVID-19 pandemic. This can be used as a benchmark for learning by further research (Churiyah et al., 2020). The success of the United Kingdom in analyzing the case of workers who have multiple roles so that the organization is also able to play a role in overcoming them, namely by providing welfare to their workers.

b.    Co-Occurrence


Figure 4

Network Visualization of Co-Occurrence Metadata (Keywords)


The keyword in this research is the use of work life balance which has diversity. This is in accordance with the definition of work life balance which has a broad meaning, namely the balance of life at work. In this analysis, there are also various kinds of clusters that can be further developed, meaning that further researchers can use work life balance variables in more detail so that they can produce varied variables that affect it.



Figure 5

Overlay Visualization of Co-Occurrence Metadata (Keywords)


In Figure 5 it can be seen that every year there are different keyword developments where if the color is getting yellow in the keyword cluster, then there is an update on research in that year's vulnerability. Likewise, the blue the cluster updates to a keyword, the longer the research it takes. The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic contributes to the development of keywords because it has an impact on the transformation period towards the pandemic era, meaning that there are several renewal systems in the work life balance. These findings can provide support for academic research in the fields of job stress, work life balance and workplace wellbeing in order to review topics that are being discussed during this pandemic.

c.     Citation

The analysis of the most citations with this topic is the use of job stress, work life balance and workplace wellbeing to be able to find out which articles have an influence on knowledge in this field. It can also be seen that many of the authors in the previous analysis were from Australia, in fact there are still a few who contributed to the top 10 articles. This can be used as an evaluation for research for the Indonesian state in order to produce articles that provide greater opportunities. The following are the top 10 cited articles as follows:



Table 1

Top 10 Cited Articles


Publication Year








Brooks, SK

Dunn, R


Rubin, GJ

Greenberg, N

A Systematic, Thematic Review of Social and Occupational Factors Associated with Psychological Outcomes in Healthcare Employees during an Infectious Disease Outbreak

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine



Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins





Morgenthaler, TI


Sinsky, CA


Tutty, MA


Shanafelt, TD

Physician Burnout, Well-being, and Work Unit Safety Grades in Relationship to Reported Medical Errors

Mayo Clinic Proceedings



Publisher: Elsevier Ltd







Depression, anxiety, stress levels of physicians and associated factors in Covid-19 pandemics

Psychiatry Research



Psychiatry Research

Publisher: Elsevier Ireland Ltd




Sidebotham, M


Pallant, J


Prevalence of burnout, depression, anxiety and stress in Australian midwives: A cross-sectional survey

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth



Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd.





Sleep, health and wellness at work: A scoping review

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Publisher: MDPI





Self-care as a professional imperative: physician burnout, depression, and suicide

Canadian Journal of Anesthesia


Publisher: Springer New York LLC



Maharaj, S



Prevalence and risk factors of depression, anxiety, and stress in a cohort of Australian nurses

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Publisher: MDPI AG





Sonino, N

Fava, GA

Allostatic Load and Its Impact on Health: A Systematic Review

Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics


Publisher: S. Karger AG



Bartlett, L

Martin, A


Memish, K


Kilpatrick, M

Sanderson, K

A systematic review and meta-analysis of workplace mindfulness training randomized controlled trials

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology


Publisher: American Psychological Association





Huang, X.-L

Zhuang, X.-D




Chen, L

Zou, H


The relationship between job satisfaction, work stress, work-family conflict, and turnover intention among physicians in Guangdong, China: A cross-sectional study

BMJ Open


Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group

Figure 6: Network Visualization of Metadata Citation


In table 6 it can be seen that there are names with the most dominant clusters that have abilities in the fields of job stress, work life balance and work place well bing. From the table above there are 10 top artels who have the first position Brooks, et al (2018) from the United Kingdom. The article in February 2022 with a total of 238 citations discussed the theme of reviewing social factors that are related to employee work and employee psychology. This study provides direction that social factors also have a relationship between employees' psychology which will later affect their psychology.

Then the most who occupy the second position are Tawfik et al. (2018) from the Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine. The article, which has 207 citations, examines the themes of fatigue, well-being and safety in the workplace. According to this article, if a supervisor gives a workload that exceeds the limit, it will affect the level of employee fatigue, employee welfare in the workplace and the level of work safety. Because when employees are tired of doing something, it will have an impact on the quality of employee performance.

Then followed by Elbay et al. (2020). This article is from stanbul Medeniyet niversitesi Göztepe Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi. This article has 194 citations. This article examines the level of depression and anxiety in doctors that occurred during the covid-19 pandemic era. According to this article, the pandemic era is a condition where there is a transition period from the normal era, then doctors are also the frontline in dealing with patients exposed to the COVID-19 virus, of course they have feelings of saturation, anxiety and depression because they have pressure from both internal and external.

Then followed by Creedy et al. (2017) with 103 citations. This article is from Gold Coast University Hospital, Southport, Australia. This article discusses the fatigue, anxiety and stress experienced by midwives in Australia. According to this article, midwives have a high level of stress, and anxiety if it is not enough because if health and welfare factors are not considered for their workforce, they cannot provide good quality care. If physical and psychological fatigue is reflected in symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress symptoms. Therefore, the need for welfare provided to midwives by providing both short-term and long-term strategies. The other six articles contributed to the number of citations obtained. This finding is used to find references on the themes of job stress, work life balance and work place well bing.


Figure 6

Network Visualization of Metadata Citation

In Figure 6 it can be seen that the name with the most clusters is Brooks et al. (2018) was then followed by other researchers. These researchers have an interest in the fields of job stress, work life balance and job well bing. The implications of this research can be used as a reference for future research or given in other public lectures with the same theme.



Research using 416 published bibliometric analysis in journals or in Scopus indexed proceedings in the duration of 2017 to 2021 provides information on the development of research on employees with the topic of welfare provided by the organization which will be the main factor for workers in supporting work stress or work life balance that occurs . both responsibilities in daily life and work responsibilities. The analysis contained in the literature sources related to the research topic "job stress" ON "work life balance" OR "workplace wellbeing" this will provide coverage for the development of further research from academics and researchers can conduct more detailed research on the topic.

This research has a time limit of five years (2017-2021). In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic will be a transition period for employees with a lot of various pressures both internal and external which will then affect employee performance that is less than optimal. The high demands of work and family, of course, this will have the potential to cause psychological discomfort to employees, therefore the role of the organization is needed to improve the welfare of employees. For further research, it is hoped that it will provide alternative solutions for employees who have work stress and balance in their lives to further support research findings related to problems related to these topics. So collaboration between countries is needed to be able to produce broader research on findings related to workers from both the industrial sector, companies, education, government and soon.



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Copyright holder :

Kurnia Arumdani, Madziatul Churiyah (2022).


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Jurnal Syntax Transformation


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